May 30th, 2009
A delft sky day, - blue and white and blissful.
And in the garden.....

The Iris, - tall and straight against the curly willow, and in glorious full bloom.

And the peony, in transition from bud to bloom...

Here is the Jackmani Clematis that came from the Lost Garden and now keeps company with the Russian Olive that we tried unsuccessfully to move.

I pass the young Hawthorn tree on my way to the Nellie Moser which every day dons more beautiful blooms and climbs further up the trellis.

We are missing the roses of yesteryear that succumbed to the long cold winter weather, but their replacements are energetically making roots in preparation for next year's heady show. And I am hopeful that the stems of the Abraham Darby will produce flowers true to its graft.
Hope springs eternal in the Garden.
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