May 16th, 2009
I sprang from the bed early, - just before five o'clock - thinking I would have a couple of quiet hours in the garden before Charles awakened.
But no, - the early morning light roused him at the same time, and so we had a quick breakfast and went out together to enjoy the still, quiet morning.
I organized all the pots, - watered the soil, and planted the first two with hostas.

Then I was down the garden path, looking from one side to the other for errant plants and brash volunteers to move from the garden proper and into the pots. Two birds with one stone, - saving money at the nursery and tidying up the garden at the same time.
The Lambs' Ear were good candidates, and a patch of annual poppies where a seed case must have fallen...... some pot marigolds with just the right number of leaves to transplant, and some creeping Jenny that two or three years ago crept out of some pots and established itself in the garden. Some of the buttercups got potted, and a nice yellow daisy like flower that had left its mother to start up housekeeping on its own.
I left a little room for the occasional petunia and begonia to brighten things up, and moved on to planting the roses and bugbear (Mother's Day presents) that have been sitting in the garage awaiting just such a day as this, - a little cloudy, calm and not too warm.
Remembering how the garden looked in the middle of March I marveled at the magic of spring (late though it was) and the generous green growth that touches the heart of the gardener, each new bud on the peonies and the columbine a veritable delight!
When we got all rested up I went out and took some pictures....

The three year old climbing hydrangia with the promise of its first lacy flowers.

The newly planted Bugbear in its own little bed, freshly cleared of coutch grass...

One fragrant lilac on the top of the baby bush..

Beautiful green of the new growth on the little evergreens...

The lilies, - with a promise of June splendour..

And in the background, the dandelions.

A strenuous day, but very fulfilling.