Wednesday, June 17, 2009

June 17th, 2009

Here's what I found in the garden this evening...

The lone lily now has companions...

The delphiniums make a delicate pastel bouquet...

The baby pink rose, - I think it shows promise...

And the golden orange grocery store rose that survived the winter when other sturdier ones succumbed??

First of the heritage perennial sweet peas, circa 1920, - planted by Charles' Mother along the front of the orchard where he was raised. We rescued some of the seed and brought them to the Similkameen where they flourish - absolutely.

And the last of the scarlet orientals...

A cat's eye view of the garden from the paths she loves to hide in....

Thought we might get a bit of rain when we woke to a cloudy morning, but only a few drops and tonight the sky was bright and clear and happy white clouds bounced along above the Cawston Basin.

1 comment:

magiceye said...

all the images are sooo beautiful!!!