Friday, July 24, 2009

July 224th, 2009

A while since there has been any record of garden doings, - not because the garden has been neglected. There are still great heaping wheelbarrow loads of detritus, discards and deadheads headed for the compost heap to finish out their lives making wonderful rich earth for future gardens. Eeeeh - isn't it that way for all of us, - more or less...

Waiting for the Shasta daisies to show new buds.

The delphinium are springing up with fresh green leaves, planning on an autumn show.

Over at the back of the garden the bee balm is looking rather sad and shaggy, but the barn flower is in full bloom.

Charles helped me contain it and stake it, so that it won't cover all the surrounding plants with its graceful golden flowers. I put a vase of them on the verandah when we had company for lunch the other day and they looked warm and welcoming.

A wonderful rain on Thursday, - accompanied by thunder and lightning which played havoc with the telephone system in the house.

Nevertheless, today the grasshoppers were out frolicking in the heat of the afternoon. Charles says there is a bait for them, and I will have to go to the farm supply store tomorrow and research it, otherwise the poor plants will go into the fall all tattered and torn and eaten out by grasshoppers (locusts?)

Here is a lovely fragrant rose, new to the garden, - 'Perfume Delight'.

1 comment:

Jama said...

Wow! you sure do have a wonderful garden!